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Embracing the "Woo" :: Why Energetic Testing Is Hard Science

The Science of “Woo”

As a practitioner, I want to use the most effective methods to address the root cause of a client’s health concerns so they can heal. That being said…I’ve always been a hard science girl. I like proof. But…what happens when something works and you can’t explain why?

This was my experience with energetic testing. I spent years thinking anything energy-related was way too “woo-woo”…but guess what? My mind has changed. Why? First, I realized it was working for me…so I set out to understand WHY before I was convinced. Know what I discovered? Energetic work IS hard science…quantum physics, in fact. Yup. Makes me wish I had paid more attention in college physics!

But Tara…isn’t quantum physics just for rocket scientists? NOPE. Quantum physics explains energetic & molecular forces in our world and get this…it’s crucial to your healing journey. Hop on my magic school bus and I’ll tell you why!

Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy…There is no matter,” and “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.”

Let’s break it down: Everything is made of atoms, which are bundles of particles constantly in motion (aka energy). Forget the static Styrofoam models you made in middle school science. These constantly moving particles make up all the “matter” we see in front of us. So…nothing is truly solid…everything is energy and has a measurable electromagnetic field…including humans! We may look solid, but we are actually bundles of energy! ⚛️ (This is why EKG’s and EEG’s work!)

When unhealthy, our energy field is small and imbalanced. When healthy and thriving, our energy field is large and balanced! In addition, everything we interact with has an energy field that impacts our own, for better or worse…whether a food, pathogen, toxin, supplement, person, emotion, etc. Detrimental things weaken vitality and beneficial things strengthen vitality. The energy field, our body’s innate intelligence, tells us so much!

This is why I’ve started using Morphogenic Field Technique in my practice to help clients heal!

How MFT Eliminates Guesswork From Your Healing Journey

What are all the things you’ve tried on the road to health?

Diets? :: There’s one thing in common between keto, intermittent fasting, pro-metabolic, paleo, high carb, low carb, vegan, & carnivore diets…they were NOT created for YOU or your biology!

Labs? :: They may reveal issues, but they are expensive, can miss a lot, and don’t provide the solution.

Supplements? :: Which are right for you? What dose? For how long? You can spend thousands and feel no difference!

The nutrition info out there is overwhelming. Most of the time, a healing journey looks a lot like throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. It’s expensive and frustrating.

You can find studies to validate almost any nutrition opinion and an IG influencer to back it up. Typically, the more extreme the bandwagon is, the more traction it gets.

But how does that serve you? SPOILER: IT DOESN’T.

What works for someone else will NOT be the same thing that works for you!

This is what I love about Morphogenic Field Technique. MFT is a form of muscle response testing using the energy field to find imbalances and root causes weakening the body and the solutions needed restore balance so the body can heal. MFT is different because we are getting input directly from YOUR body.

What is going wrong? What is your body asking for? What is it ready for? What foods are helpful or detrimental? Which supplements do you need? What dose and when? What is the best macro balance for you? Are there trapped emotions impeding your healing? We find YOUR solutions.

As we work together, the body becomes stronger, more balanced, and more capable of peeling back the layers. At first your body may need nutrients to support foundations like digestion, blood sugar, and minerals. Once those are balanced, deeper issues start to surface that the body is ready to address, like pathogens, infections, and other dysfunction.

MFT removes so much of the guesswork and respects your bio-individuality. And the best part is we can do it IN-PERSON or VIRTUALLY over Zoom!

If you’re interested in experiencing MFT for yourself…feel free to book a free 20-min consultation!

Questions? Ask away! ⚛️ ❤️